Monday, 28 April 2014

Vitalumiere Aqua... I'm sorry for not loving you sooner

Do you have anything in your stash that you've bought on a whim, convinced that it will turn you into a goddess and then been left considerably disappointed?

That's what happened with me and the ol' Vitalumiere Aqua.

I bought this whilst housebound with a mangled ankle back in August (FYI, sliding at high speed into corrugated iron sheets will probably land you in emergency surgery and the slowest healing wound known to man, not to mention months on crutches plus physiotherapy).  Maybe I was in a bad place, but for whatever reason back then I just didn't get why everyone was so crazy about it, it didn't seem to last on me very long on me and just didn't look as flawless as others I had.  And so, I buried it deep under my other foundations and used every other one instead of it, until the recent introduction of the Vitalumiere Velvet had everyone comparing the two and I figured I should bring it back out and try and make it work, or else be ruthless and give it to a more deserving home.

I don't know if it's the change in the weather or perhaps my skincare routine is working that little bit better, but I suddenly get it! I remember seeing it described once as "as though you're putting on another layer of skin" and I now totally agree.  I don't see the dry patches or places where it has lifted around my pores after a few hours.  Now, all I see is flawless buildable coverage and a totally undetectable finish and quite frankly, we're currently having a love affair that all other foundations (including my beloved Double Wear Light) have been forsaken for.

This is the only foundation that I love to apply with my fingers, it's really quick and easy, as well as feeling very cooling on the skin and I literally use both hands at once.  If I want to ramp up the coverage a little, I'll add a bit more to problem areas and perhaps buff it in with a buffing brush.  I love that this already has SPF 15 (even though that's fairly low, it's the highest of all the foundations I have) and I've found that it sits well on top of any primers I have used underneath, whether it's Clinique Super City Block SPF 40 or more siliconey primers to use on large pores (I LOVE to do this) or more radiance enhancing primers.  It's an all round do-gooder!

Chanel shades tend to run quite yellow, and whilst I'm definitely a cool-toned gal, I find that this looks seamless, even though I guess it's not technically a great match for my Scandi-skin (for reference, I have the lightest shade, B10).  

Are you a Vitalumiere Aqua fan?
Have you had any products that you didn't like at first and then fell in love with?

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