Monday, 19 August 2013

Excuses/Life Updates

   So I think it's fair to say that this month hasn't quite gone as planned. Whilst I'd planned to be posting regularly alongside my summer job, instead the job ended up taking over my life so I did barely any writing afterwards, my weekends all seemed to be packed with moving back from uni to home and then finding a new Bristol residence and the big end of tenancy clean and somehow, blogging got left at the wayside.

   Last weekend however, I managed to hurt myself after a spectacular fall over a fence in a friend's garden resulted in me severing a lot of tendons and ligaments after slicing it open, either corrugated iron or barbed wire, resulting in immediate surgery and a plaster cast. I have now been dismissed from my summer job as I simply wouldn't be able to move around the office (it's true but it still stung) and after a week of rushing round hospitals and getting emergency tetanus vaccinations, I'm now out of my mind bored at home and so I'm sure there will be a vast increase in posts as I can no longer ride, walk, fly, drive (or rather learn to) or do anything exciting. I can't complain too much as I am being looked after exceedingly well by friends and family, it's just hard not to be bummed about the situation when I had so many plans for the summer, (including finally getting my driving licence!) and because I decided to hop over a fence, I can no longer do any of it.

   I hope everyone who is reading this is having a great summer anyway and be sure to leave your links as I've got a lot of time for reading at the moment :)