Sunday, 12 May 2013

What's On My Bathroom Shelf?

I decided to do a post on my little bathroom shelf and show pretty much everything I use on my face to keep things under control. Nothing groundbreaking but I'm nosy and like to see these sort of things and I figured this was a nice little post to do that wouldn't be too much of a revision distraction! 

From left to right:

Oral-B Pro-Expert Whitening Toothpaste
Oral-B toothbrushes
Listerine Stay White Mouthwash
Vichy Purete Thermale micellar water
REN ClearCalm 3 Clarifying Clay Cleanser
Avène Thermale Spring Water Spray
La Roche-Posay Effaclar Duo
Alpha-H Liquid Gold
The Body Shop tea tree oil
La Roche-Posay Effaclar A.I
Lush Mint Julips lip scrub
NUXE Rêve de Miel lip balm

I know this is a bit of a short post, but everything up there is pretty self-explanatory! They're all staples that I know and love and have used for quite a while (with the exception of the REN cleanser which arrived yesterday).

What are your skincare favourites? What's on your bathroom shelf?

Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Summer Foundation Switch

The Great British Summer is something that I equally love and loathe. Although there are few things nicer than the feeling of the sun on your back, personally I don't like peeling off the layers and getting my legs or arms out, in fact I dislike it so intensely that I generally refuse to do it and end up baking slightly (although I do deny this).

One thing I like about autumn, winter and spring is that generally, the make up you put on in the morning stays put on your face all day. In summer? Not so much. As someone who hasn't had smooth, clear skin since before puberty, the switch to a lighter base or even a tinted moisturiser or even naked, is not a option I entertain if I am spending time out in public. Don't get me wrong, when I'm home with my family or friends and I'm not going outside my village, I am more than happy to be be bare-faced, however as soon as I'm going out into the wider world, I like to keep covered.

Summer is always a problem. The heat, the days spent totally outdoors, the festivals, I want my foundation and concealer to stick all day and I also want a decent amount of SPF for my fair, freckly and generally sun-sensitive skin without having to constantly reapply sun cream to my face (which both takes off my makeup, makes me look greasy and breaks me out). As much as I love my Revlon Colorstay, SPF 6 just isn't going to cut it, I will burn.

For reference: candid photo of my feet on an overcast day last year after forgetting the SPF

So, yesterday after my first exam, I decided to go in search of my Holy Grail summer foundation. There was a few I particularly had in mind, (in particular I imagine the Shiseido Sun Protection liquid foundation being my HG), but I basically went to every counter I could with my criteria (SPF, good coverage, long-wearing) and came home with a bunch of samples to try at home, varying from SPF 10 to 35.

From L-R: Guerlain Lingerie de PeauDior Diorskin Forever, Estée Lauder Double Wear Light, Estée Lauder Double Wear Maximum Cover Makeup, Vichy Dermablend (both pots)